Wednesday, March 7, 2012


before anything else, align center
Much better...

In thin boxes of dew
is where cat's dreams are stored.
There are so ver many of them
that the gods in dreamland have built a grand city out of them.
The boxes get their colors from the temperature of the sleeping feline
and the content of the dreams it holds.
They can store multiple dreams, up to 13 at a time
depending on length and content.
The heavier boxes filled with dreams of cat gangs on the prowl looking for prey
make up most of city hall and the police stations.
The green boxes, filled with dreams of sweet candy grass
line most of the streets and make up the parks.
The white boxes of a cat's dreamless dream
remain untouched 
for they are holy potential in the regions near the heart of the matter.
The yellow boxes are made from dreams about tuna and milk
the gods placed them as windows, ceilings and floors.
And the pink boxes, laden with dreamy love for their owners
those special boxes 
are where the gods live, where they eat, where they sing.
They are the largest, and most beautiful
they are indeed the special thin boxes made of dew
because they hold the universe
and you.


Why should we care?
well, we dont have to
but isn't it nice to think about?

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