Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Musica do Brasil

Dancing in the tip of your new york stake will not improve your digestion
of this sonic locomotion called Brazilian music

Nothing moves quite like it - because IT doesn't actually move
IT moves everyone around it - not always into dance - sometimes it moves inside

Only brandon would understand
this carolina shaped guitar - electric underwater bubble strings
Tunning into the abyss of bliss - riding the pandero hoping stylishly
turn me into a berimbau Oh Lord and my life would be complete

Abandon me in bahia with a pair of maracas - and a flute
ill emerge the victor of the octagon - in which music bounces in and out

Claim the booty of this sounds deep into your heart
there is no other container for them - all else would brake with awesomeness

Sharp little wings turning left and right
emerge from Seu Jorge's fingers when he plays

Honey fairies flutter out of his lips - nest in his throat
copulate in his heart - in the stage and when he sleeps

Papa bear was re-incarnated into Mestre Acordeon - he wanted to be a brilliant philanthropist
so he learned capoeira and sang his life alive

well meninas e meninos
let turn into os mutantes - get drunk on Coehlo, sip guaranas, and jump into 2014

Brazil is the world on a small scale
and how interesting i should write this on the day my country celebrates 200 years of independence.


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