Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Heart Living

Living from the heart.
It sounds easy..
but lately i've been finding that it is quite difficult, because it requires one to love with a flowing heart, one cannot hold on to anything -material.emotional.spiritual- to live from the heart is to live without a plan. to live from the heart is to completely trust in divine guidance. <-that is flippin HARD to do!!!

but in the end its worth it.
im seeing the fruits of this labor in my own life.
getting out of my head is the best decision i have ever made.

-love, love, love to all.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

cool t-shirts of the day

sometimes don't make any sense

different day

Gloomy -june'09

the roofers are roofing
with thin wood and noisy nails
the roofers are roofing
with stinking soot they glue the roof
the roofers are roofing
smelling the fumes of burning plastic
the roofers are roofing
laughing and hammering, crying and pulling
the roofers are roofing
contracted by contract
roofing the roofs
repelling the sun and the rain with their black soot
the roofers are roofing


Some time ago me and Mr. Greekophalus met Slava.

Slava is a Russian-Jew
Slava was looking for his blue-eyed cat
Slava taught us where the word "jew" came from -at least his version-
Slava lives in his car
Slava wrote a screen play that never got picked up
Slava believes he lived in the 60's
Slava had a dream about his mother holding him in an empty hospital wearing a military uniform, because of this, Slava thinks that he died in Vietnam
Slava talked and talked
Slava asked questions but didnt wait for answers, he just kept talking
Slava wore boots
Slava was looking for a running body of water
Slava posed for my camera
Slava made my day (and Mr. Greekophalus') 88% more interesting

I hope that Slava found his cat, or a home.

One thing gives me comfort, i know that at least he found his water...

Thank you Mr. Slava the only Russian-Jew I've ever met.