Sunday, November 1, 2009


Sometimes i feel bad for november, nobody wants to be in november. First of all its preceded by possibly the funnest of all major (by major i mean profitable) holy-days, so the first day of it is always spent on conversations about the last day of the month before it. that sucks for november, also there are no big events happening in november, besides the election every 4 years and who looks foward to that?!?!?! in any case, the worst part of it all its that december is right after..... talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. well november at least enjoys the pleasure of hosting my yearly celebration of birth, along with many great people that i know. So try to enjoy november, please be nice to it because it only comes around once a year (just like xmas) and it could use all the love it can get.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Like a tree

Life starts in a very small place
it slowly absorbs what it needs to grow
the growth is slow
but it never stops
it is ever flowing with galactic sap
if its path is blocked
it finds a way through it
if the block has no cracks
it finds a way around it
Life grows
it rejoices with the sun
and the moon
Let us celebrate it
when its warm and sunny
when its cold and cloudy
because we can all learn from both.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


In these times of change
All help is welcome
Crystal skulls come from places unknown
To teach things long forgotten
To remind the humans of their full experience
To show them how much they are missing
When they stay in bed with ego
Instead of running outside and hugging the sun
Instead of smelling the morning dew and kissing the flowers
Instead of dancing with the thunder
Instead of appreciating
Instead of being appreciated

They reminded me of the sun
The sun that gives life
The sun that makes water possible
The sun that makes blood run through our veins
The sun that never sleeps
The sun that timelessly shares His life with us
The sun that forever shines up in the sky and deep inside all

So go outside today
During sun-set/rise
And as you are staring respectfully and in complete awe at this ball of pure energy
Repeat this word solemnly seven times
The sun will hear you then
And you will hear the sun as well
And all of His eternal life-giving force will enter you
And you will enter it
To forever dance the cosmic dance of co-creation.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Heart Living

Living from the heart.
It sounds easy..
but lately i've been finding that it is quite difficult, because it requires one to love with a flowing heart, one cannot hold on to anything -material.emotional.spiritual- to live from the heart is to live without a plan. to live from the heart is to completely trust in divine guidance. <-that is flippin HARD to do!!!

but in the end its worth it.
im seeing the fruits of this labor in my own life.
getting out of my head is the best decision i have ever made.

-love, love, love to all.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

cool t-shirts of the day

sometimes don't make any sense

different day

Gloomy -june'09

the roofers are roofing
with thin wood and noisy nails
the roofers are roofing
with stinking soot they glue the roof
the roofers are roofing
smelling the fumes of burning plastic
the roofers are roofing
laughing and hammering, crying and pulling
the roofers are roofing
contracted by contract
roofing the roofs
repelling the sun and the rain with their black soot
the roofers are roofing


Some time ago me and Mr. Greekophalus met Slava.

Slava is a Russian-Jew
Slava was looking for his blue-eyed cat
Slava taught us where the word "jew" came from -at least his version-
Slava lives in his car
Slava wrote a screen play that never got picked up
Slava believes he lived in the 60's
Slava had a dream about his mother holding him in an empty hospital wearing a military uniform, because of this, Slava thinks that he died in Vietnam
Slava talked and talked
Slava asked questions but didnt wait for answers, he just kept talking
Slava wore boots
Slava was looking for a running body of water
Slava posed for my camera
Slava made my day (and Mr. Greekophalus') 88% more interesting

I hope that Slava found his cat, or a home.

One thing gives me comfort, i know that at least he found his water...

Thank you Mr. Slava the only Russian-Jew I've ever met.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Onix Rainbow

The line of my life has reached a nice soft curve.
Things fall together apart, instead of falling apart together.

It is invigorating to see all of this change around,
people are feeling more, keeping the hope of a new dawn for humanity alive
i want to be part of this never-ending web of expanding feeling of oneness.

Health bills and borrowed money count for nothing when you have to eat,
they count for nothing when you have to drink water,

Government doesn't allow change, but it doesn't have to
because the most important change of all will occur within you-without you

All things grow
but the most important ones grow many times everyday,
like a smile, like a sense of environmental responsibility, hugs grow, love grows, plants and children, your nails, my nails, the courage to speak your heart, the need for change, new music, but above all.... LOVE.

So by looking at your dark you WILL find the light.
Remember that the candle may go out, but the wick always remains.

Listening to -SIGUR ROS- Takk #8.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Colors and Children

So i was just looking at some pictures of an indigenous tribe in Colombia called the Wayuu.
They are a fascinating culture that lives in the north of the country in a desert next to the Caribbean sea.
I read a bit about them and found out that they were the only indigenous tribe not to be completely conquered by the Spanish, they learned to use horses and guns and fought them off.
They were able to keep their language, their land, and culture.

The children of these people are possibly the most beautiful human beings i have ever seen, and all of their textiles and weavings are so full of color! everything is so vibrant, so vivid.

People like them make me feel proud of being not only a Colombian, but a human being. The fact that they have survived so much violence and are still able to keep the colors, the smiles. It bewilders my soul.

If you have some free time today, look up WAYUU on flckr. you'll see what im talking about.

Friday, July 17, 2009

These Times

Modest Mouse has a song titled "the good times are killing me"
Its a pretty Genious title, because the "good times" now days are also the most destructive times.
creation takes work.
creativity costs time and effort.
art isnt as easy and free flowing as one might think.
But what else is worth your time?
Do you want to change your condition on this planet?
CREATE something, anything.
it doesnt matter
make something that makes you FEEL good
make something that will make your neighbor FEEL good, or bad
any FEELING is better than no feeling.
so get out there and propagate the FEELING
get out there and paint,
get out there and sing,
get out there and dance,
get out there and cry in the rain,
get out there and look up at the clouds and smile at them,
get out there and make love.
and make it stay in your heart forever.